Pest I.D.
In order to properly manage a pest problem, identification is key. We've assembled the guide below to assist in identifying household pests commonly found in homes. Browse the pest profiles below to learn more.

Ants are among the most common household pests.
- The ant body is 1/16” – 1/2” with a mid-section that appears pinched in, a pair of bent antennae, and forewings that are longer than the hindwings (swarmers); termites have a uniformly straight midsection, straight antennae, and forewings and hindwings that are equal in length (swarmers)
- Many species build mounds that vary in size and look similar to a mini volcano
- They are usually found in trails leading to sugar and grease, depending on the species and season
- Large trails of ants can cause considerable concern and embarrassment among building occupants
- Some species can infest, damage and weaken wood structures (carpenter ants)
- Some can damage line insulation and shorten electrical circuits while entering buildings via electrical and phone lines (acrobat ants)
- Others inflict painful stings on people (red imported fire ants)
Management & Control
- Identify and monitor the correct ant species that is on the premises because not all products will be effective against all ant species
- Exclude ants from entry points by caulking cracks and crevices and minimize sources of moisture
- Keep indoor and outdoor environments clean and eliminate ant access to food and drink materials
- Use the appropriate bait that fits the diet of the ant giving trouble; baits are needed to wipe out colonies
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Bed BugsX
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on blood from humans and other animals.
- Adults are small (about 1/5 inch), flattened, oval, and rusty red. Nymphs (immature stages) are smaller and lighter colored.
- Blood spots on sheets, bites along the body, feces and cast skins are all indications of a bed bug infestation
- These insects hide along seams of mattresses, within box springs, or within cracks and crevices in furniture, personal belongings, and areas near sleeping and resting sites
- Bed bug bites can cause skin irritation and rashes. Areas around bites might redden, swell and itch several days later
- Infestations can cause extreme anxiety, stress, insomnia and delusional parasitosis due to the fear this pest has instilled in people
Management & Control
- Understand that bed bugs are not associated with poor sanitation necessarily
- Vacuum areas around cracks and crevices, beds, couches, dressers and other furniture where they may be near
- Do laundry to drown, apply heat to and kill any bed bugs that may be present in clothing
- Perform professional heat treatment to kill infested items such as mattresses
- Use treatments that are effective against pyrethroid-resistant populations
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- Centipedes are flat multi-segmented insects that have yellow or reddish-brown bodies
- They can actually have anywhere from 15-177 pairs of legs with one pair per segment, but the actual total number of legs in most species is closer to 30
- During the day they hide in dark cracks and crevices, coming out at night to search for insects to eat
- When provoked, a few large kinds of centipedes can inflict a painful bite that may cause localized swelling, discoloration, and numbness
- House centipedes are actually beneficial, as they capture flies, cockroaches, and other small household pests. They never damage plants or household items
Management & Control
- Outdoors, centipede control is aided by removing debris
- The most effective way to prevent a centipede infestation is to reduce areas of moisture in and around your home
- Store firewood off the ground
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- Cockroaches have oval-shaped, reddish brown to dark brown or black bodies that are typically between 1/2”- 3” long
- Many species have wings though not all can fly
- Gravid females carry an egg case and, depending on species, will deposit it on the floor or on another surface prior to hatch
- Not usually seen in the day time or when lights are turned on
- Cockroaches may transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning
- Cockroaches can carry bacteria that causes diseases such as Salmonella, Typhoid, Polio, and Dysentery.
- Indoor infestations of cockroaches are an important source of allergens and risk for asthma among some populations.
Management & Control
- Understand that cockroaches are nocturnal and if seen in the daytime preparations should be made to deal with a likely high infestation that is causing overcrowding within cracks and crevices
- Clean house regularly and identify points of entry
- Reduce food and water sources
- Use monitoring traps to identify hot spots and make more strategic treatments
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- Earwigs are slender insects with prominent appendages that resemble forceps/pincers at the tail end of its body
- Used for defense, the forceps are somewhat curved in the male but straighter in the female
- Earwigs make their home in wet and cool areas and can thrive in some backyards
- Earwigs are not vectors for diseases
- Earwigs may attack vegetables, herbaceous flowering plants, sweet corn, or plants with soft fruits such as strawberries and apricots
Management & Control
- Keep water and moisture away from structures
- Seal up cracks or other entry points
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Fleas are particularly annoying to people and pets, especially during spring and early summer
- Fleas are small wingless insects with shiny reddish-brown hairy bodies that are laterally compressed, so they look as if they are walking on edge
- Adult fleas are no larger than 1/8 inch long, roughly the size of a ballpoint pen tip
- Fleas can carry pathogens that cause disease, namely typhus and plague, as well as “Cat-Scratch Disease” which can be transmitted to humans
- Saliva can cause flea allergy dermatitis in pets
- Debris can cause allergies in humans
Management & Control
- Washing pets bedding and throw rugs regularly, vacuum to destroy larvae
- Locate heavily infested areas (usually areas where the pet rests) and concentrate treatment there
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Grubs (White/Lawn Grub)X
Grubs (White/Lawn Grub)
- Off white or dirty white in color with brown heads
- C-shaped creatures with soft bodies. They are an immature form of a beetle
- Lawn grubs mature into beetles who emerge from the soil for mating and laying eggs
- Your local extension office can help you determine which grub is most common in your area, and help you identify the type
- Lawn grubs feed on grass roots causing sections of grass in the lawn to die
- Grubs attract racoons, skunks, moles and rodents to yards
Management & Control
- If more than 6 grubs are found per square foot, you may need to treat.
- Identifying your grub is important before you begin a control measure, since some products may only control for one type of grub.
House FliesX
House Flies
- House fly body is dark and dull-colored with four characteristic black stripes going down the back; flesh flies are bigger in size and only have three stripes going down the back
- Breeding sites are normally outdoors near and within decaying organic matter including in dumpsters, feces, and road kill
- House flies do not bite, but they are capable of transferring more than 100 different pathogens, including salmonellosis, typhoid and tuberculosis
Management & Control
- Eliminate breeding sites (usually outdoors but may be indoors)
- Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible
- Apply treatments to common fly resting sites around entry points where they tend to stage prior to entering a building
- Use commercial fly lights to monitor for and kill flies that make it inside buildings
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- The six-legged, wingless adult head louse is about the size of a sesame seed and ranges in color from tan to gray.
- Also look for the egg, which is coated with a glue-like substance that cements it to the hair.
- The most common symptom of infestation is intense itching on the back of the head or neck. The itching occurs when the lice bite and suck blood from the scalp.
- Body Lice can be vectors of disease such as Typhus
Management & Control
- Good personal hygiene as well as laundered clothing and bedding can prevent the spread of Lice
- Avoid sharing combs, brushes, hats, clothing and other items with people.
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Mosquito adults are small flying insects that bite people and animals and can spread diseases.
- Mosquito adults are small with slender bodies, and delicate wings. They are typically less than 1 inch in length.
- Mosquito larva range in size from 1/16″ – 1/2″ in size depending on how old the larva is.
- Only female mosquitos bite, and can live off a feeding for 3 weeks and lay hundreds of eggs during that time period
- Mosquito bites can carry many different diseases. Most commonly, west nile virus, zika virus, and malaria
- Saliva left behind can be highly irritating and result in secondary infections, allergic reactions, pain, irritation, redness, and itching.
Management & Control
- Keep fine mesh screens on windows and doors in good repair
- Get rid of areas with standing water
- Wear repellents and protective clothing when outdoors during the mosquito season
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- Spiders have eight legs and two body parts—a head region (cephalothorax) and an abdomen. They lack wings and antennae.
- With so many species of spiders in the US, the size of the spiders vary greatly from 1/8″ – 3″.
- Spiders often make webs outside near vegetation or in dark moist crevices in and around the home
- Most spiders have toxic venom, which they use to kill their prey. However, only those spiders whose venom typically causes a serious reaction in humans are called “poisonous” spiders
Management & Control
- Remove vegetation from around the home to limit the number of places for spiders to set up webs
- Seal cracks on the outside of the home, especially around doors and windows
- Keeping the house clean and limiting clutter will give spiders less places to hide
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Termites are among the pests most feared by homeowners.
- Termites have segmented bodies with a thick waist, with straight antennae. It is important to distinguish termites from ants in order to manage them effectively.
- Termites have shorter legs
- When wings are present, both pairs of wings will be the same length on a termite
- Damage to wood in and around homes
- Termites do not carry diseases, but an infestation can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks
Management & Control
- Remove infested wood and eliminate excess moisture.
- Destroy any shelter tubes that subterranean termites have built between soil and wood structures.
- Most proven, effective methods for management termites is to hire a professional.
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- Ticks have a flattened oval or tear dropped shaped body before feeding and a plump, rounded body after feeding.
- Ticks are a vector for harmful diseases such as Lyme disease and can be dangerous to both humans and animals
- Lyme disease begins in up to 60 to 80% of patients as a slowly expanding reddish rash known as “erythema migrans”, typically 3 to 32 days after the bite of an infectious tick.
Management & Control
- Always inspect clothing, exposed skin, and pets for ticks when outdoors
- Wearing light-colored protective clothing, tucking pant legs into socks, and checking oneself daily can help prevent a tick bite
- Mowing your lawn and keeping the yard maintained can make it difficult for ticks and their larvae to infest a backyard
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- Wasps vary in color, from a metallic blue to a dull red to solid black.
- The most common species of wasps in the US, Yellow Jackets, are winged insects with black and yellow bodies
- Wasps have have antennae and
- Wasps are typically smooth and shiny, with “pinched-in” or narrow, waists.
- Wasps are usually beneficial to gardens, but can be aggressive if disturbed and are likely to sting.
- Reactions to wasp stings vary from only short-term, intense sensations to substantial swelling and tenderness, some itching, or life-threatening allergic responses
Management & Control
- If wasp nests must be eliminated, it is easiest and safest to call for professional help.
- Physically removing wasp nests with water, pesticides, or smoke can deal with a wasp infestation. Use protective covering to prevent physical harm
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Learn more about Yellow Jackets at