About Us
The Pyrethroid Working Group is a national task force formed to promote sound science and foster the responsible use of pyrethroid-based pest control products.
The Pyrethroid Working Group
Since 2008, the Pyrethroid Working Group – a pesticide industry alliance – has encouraged homeowners and urban audiences to “Apply Responsibly” in their yards and gardens. Born out of California, the Apply Responsibly campaign is committed to educating suburban and urban audiences across the nation on environmentally responsible ways to handle, store and dispose of a wide range of home and garden pesticide products, including insecticides containing pyrethroids. The program also provides a wide range of resources for consumers who want to learn more about integrated pest management, pest prevention and general gardening.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pyrethroid Working Group and why was it formed?
The Pyrethroid Working Group is a pesticide industry alliance that came together to create and promote the responsible use of pesticide products. These manufacturers realize their responsibility in ensuring that their products are used properly and only in keeping with their intended and approved use.
What is Apply Responsibly?
Apply Responsibly is a public education effort intended to inform urban dwellers of environmentally responsible ways to use, handle, store and dispose of a wide range of home and garden pesticide products, including insecticides containing pyrethroids in order to help protect our nation’s water.
Why is the campaign emphasizing pyrethroids?
Pyrethroids and other widely used chemicals applied around the home and garden have been detected in some of our urban waterways. Our industry alliance wants to make consumers aware of what they can do to keep pesticides out of our water. By carefully following instructions on the product labels and common sense tips from Apply Responsibly, the presence of these materials can be greatly reduced.
Is the Apply Responsibly program an effort to sell more pesticides?
No. While funded by an industry alliance, the program is aimed primarily at those homeowners and gardeners who choose to use insecticides or those who may have them in their garages and are wondering how to dispose of them.
Does the effort include information about alternative pest control strategies?
Yes. In fact, this consumer outreach program provides a range of resources for consumers who may be interested in learning more about organic gardening, integrated pest management and other strategies for controlling insects.
Who makes up the Stewardship?
The following companies are members of the Stewardship: AMVAC Chemical; BASF Corporation; Bayer CropScience; FMC Corporation; Syngenta Crop Protection; and Valent U.S.A. LLC.
Public Education
For the past four years, the Pyrethroid Working Group has promoted the Apply Responsibly mission through annual advertising campaigns. This has included public radio underwriting, online advertising and signage in Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) as an effective way to reach millions of Bay Area residents.
To see past campaigns, please click below:
Public Radio
Drought-tolerant California Wildflower Seeds
In the News
Apply Responsibly’s 6th Annual Summer Campaign Reminds Water-Wise Californians to Use Pesticides Properly
August 1, 2014
Apply Responsibly Urges Safe & Environmentally Sound Practices in the Home and Garden
Earth Day Provides Reminder to Protect California Waterways
April 22, 2013
Apply Responsibly Urges Safe & Environmentally Sound Practices in the Home and Garden
Apply Responsibly Celebrates World Water Day
March 22, 2013
United Nations Observance Offers Reminder for Californians to Act Locally to Conserve and Protect State’s Waterways
Apply Responsibly Announces Launch of Spanish Language Program to Help California Gardeners Protect State’s Waterways
July 24, 2012
MiJardin.com Web Site Mirrors Four-Year Effort to Raise Awareness Among Californians About the Smart Use of Outdoor Insecticides
“Go Native” Campaign Urges California Gardeners to Use Water and Insecticides Wisely
July 2, 2012
Apply Responsibly Education Effort Offers Native Plant Seed Packets to those Who Pass Online Water Quiz
“Gardening Hero” Campaign Features How-To Gardening Videos
June 15, 2011
Apply Responsibly Education Effort Marks Groupʼs Third Year Advocating for the Protection of Stateʼs Urban Waterways
Are You Responsible? Online Quiz Promotes Smart Use of Consumer Home & Garden Pesticides in California
March 3, 2010
Stewardship Group Offers Gardening Gift as Part of “Apply Responsibly” Public Awareness Campaign to Protect State’s Urban Waterways
Californians Urged to Apply Pesticides Responsibly Because Every Day is Earth Day Around the Home & Garden
April 22, 2009
Industry Offering Simple Tips for Protecting Stateʼs Water & Environment
Industry Group Launches Campaign to Remind California Homeowners & Gardeners to Apply Pesticides Responsibly
March 31, 2009
New Web Site Offers Smart Tips for Protecting State’s Water & Environment
Contact Us
The Pyrethroid Working Group is interested in partnering with garden clubs, nurseries, retail outlets and other organizations who would like to help carry the Apply Responsibly message to gardeners and homeowners.
To obtain informational brochures or learn more, please contact us using the form below.
1415 L Street, Suite 460
Sacramento, CA 95820